(Un)happy New Year? The 10 worst places to ring in 2018

(Un)happy New Year? The 10 worst places to ring in 2018

The countdown to say “adios” to 2017 has already begun. Plans for New Year’s Eve are set, and revelers are rearing up for a blast-off into 2018. Expectations are high and the temperature (in many parts of the world) is low. From party hats to pizza delivery to popping bottles, New Year’s Eve is all about friends, fun, and festivities.

But the night does not always go as planned. We overspend and over-indulge. Reservations get cancelled, stormy weather snows us in, or we inadvertently fall asleep at 9 PM, missing out on our New Year’s toast and kiss. And some places, as per Fodor’s Travel, are the worst to spend the last day of the year. You can look on the bright side and consider that 2018 will start off on a high note if the last day of 2017 is a bust, but why put yourself through the misery? In the name of Dick Clark, celebrate New Year’s Eve anywhere other than these 10 spots not recommended by Fodor’s Travel.

Corporate-sponsored local party


Nothing fun is going to happen at a local block party sponsored by some crappy brand looking for some advertising. Sure, you may get free food and a logo mug, but you will regret replying “yes” to the R.S.V.P. the moment you arrive. A complimentary chocolate bar is not worth the hokeyness.

Seeing fireworks


July 4th is for fireworks. Setting them off on New Year’s Eve only creates chaos and more unwanted noise. Plus, if you live someplace cold, why would you want to stand outside just to see a few blasts in the sky? If your evening is so dull that you need a light show to perk things up, you are definitely at the wrong party.

Times Square, NYC


If you want to spend the last day of 2017 freezing cold in an adult diaper, then head to Times Square and pack yourself among the sardine can-tight crowd just to watch Ryan Seacrest chatter his teeth for 5 hours. If this sounds unappealing, you’ve got the right idea. Stay home and watch the action from your couch. Here, you can get up to use the bathroom at your leisure.



Times Square is one extreme example, but anywhere outdoors where the weather is cold is no place to spend New Year’s Eve. If your outfit requires earmuffs and thermal underpants, then you are not going to have a good time. Find a cozy restaurant, a cool club, or just stay home and munch on pigs in a blanket.

A New Year’s Eve race


There are many marathons and races held on New Year’s Eve. If you choose to run in one or be that supportive pal waiting at the finish line, your New Year’s Eve won’t be as celebratory as you’d hoped it would be. You will either be sweaty or shivering, and all the restaurants will be booked, leaving you to dine on a protein bar and a bottle of Poland Spring.

Las Vegas’ Stratosphere


The concept of being miles in the air seems amazing, but once you are up there, all that’s left is down. Now what are you going to do with the rest of the night? Every hotel will be booked solid, clubs will be at capacity, and the restaurants won’t have any room until after midnight. If you want to go to Vegas to celebrate New Year’s Eve, make plans worth celebrating too.

Nevada’s Hoover Dam


Las Vegas is one thing, but sightseeing at a place like the Hoover Dam on New Year’s Eve is not what the holiday is all about. Visit next month and take the kids if you want to explore the wonders of the country. While the structure is impressive, this is a dam terrible choice for the 31st.

Tokyo, Japan


As per Fodor’s Travel, New Year’s Eve celebrations in this city are non-stop and last for days. This may seem fun in concept, but tell that to your alcohol-soaked liver. The city is super-crowded and the whole thing will leave you feeling like you overdid it. Plan your trip to Japan some other time this year and appreciate the one-night American celebration instead. It’s plenty.

Singles’ party


New Year’s Eve is not the night to find “the one.” Unless your Mr. or Mrs. Right is two sheets to the wind and equally desperate, a singles’ party will be sure to disappoint. Embrace your single status and go out with friends. You may not have anyone to kiss at midnight, but at least you’ll have your pride intact.

On a boat/evening cruise


While looking out onto the ocean seems lovely, if this party boat is a bust, you’re stuck until it pulls back to shore. The hors d’oeuvres are usually horrible, the Champagne is flat, and the party is overpriced. Stay on dry land and you won’t get seasick.