Taking Control Of Your Finances Has Never Been Easier With Truebill
Personal finance is extremely complicated. But we don’t really like to admit it. There’s this weird expectation that once you’re thrown out into the real world, you’re required to know every little thing about finance. Where does that stigma even come from? I never took a single finance class in school, nor was I ever given the option.
I looked up the best way to manage money online and was greeted with a slew of Microsoft Excel tutorials. Is this really the best way to do this? I mused over the different chapters on formulas but felt like I was reading a different language.
I didn’t have time to learn a brand new software, but I still needed a way to stay on-top of my finances. I knew there had to be an easier way (and obviously there was).
While on the phone with my cousin, I mentioned the difficulties I experienced while trying to manage my finances. Since we’re both in our twenties, I knew that she’d be able to relate, but I never expected to receive such helpful advice. She mentioned an app called Truebill, which she described as “the best way to take control of your money.”
After quickly looking through the app’s features, I knew this was the tool I was looking for. Truebill offers everything, including subscription canceling, bill negotiation, pay advances, and more! The entire app is designed to optimize your spending and stay on top of your financial life.
Here’s everything you need to know:
How Does It Work?
Truebill is the tried and true way to manage your personal finances. In fact, Truebill provides the most transparent view I’ve ever had into my finances. It works by aggregating all of your account information into a centralized location, then provides actionable insights you can take to organize your finances, lower your spending, and save yourself time. Once you connect your accounts, you’re good to go!
What Features Does Truebill Offer?
Truebill offers a range of services, including on-demand credit reports and pay advances, but I found the subscription cancellation and bill negotiation features to be the most useful.
Every little subscription and bill is neatly organized, letting you know exactly what you’re currently paying for. Not only did Truebill help me cut out $40 a month from unnecessary subscriptions (with a click of a button), they even helped me negotiate my electric bill, giving me 20% back in the process.
Is It Easy To Use?
While spreadsheets are great in a lot of ways, they sure aren’t fun to use. In fact, most personal finance assistants aren’t very accessible. All of these apps boast incredibly complicated interfaces that are impossible to navigate.
Luckily, Truebill’s interface is seamless and easy to understand. Upon opening the app, you’ll see an overview of your spending, your current subscriptions, as well as a budget planner and bill tracker. It’s all neatly outlined to let you take the best steps possible to optimizing your spending habits.
Is It Secure?
Absolutely! Truebill uses bank-level security with 256-bit SSL encryption. It is one of the most secure encryption methods and is used in most modern encryption algorithms and technologies. This encryption also allows read-only access, meaning that, if there are any breaches, your account will be safe from hackers.
Is It Affordable?
Yes, it’s free! There are a ton of features available upon download, but if you’re looking to unlock the full potential of Truebill, you may want to consider their premium version. In fact, Truebill allows users to choose their own price for their premium service. Users report that the small monthly cost is easily offset by the savings they accumulate from using the premium service.
Why Do I Need This?
Everyone could use some help in managing their finances. There’s no reason to struggle with something so complicated, especially when there is a service that can do it for you. Your time is important and Truebill values that.
I can think of dozens of things I’d rather spend my time doing each day than monitoring my finances and budgeting. So why do I love Truebillso much? It’s simple. I wouldn’t be able to live my best life without it.
Managing finances can be hard. Truebill makes it easy. Follow this link to sign-up for Truebill.