7 Tips for Surviving Your First Vacation as a Couple

7 Tips for Surviving Your First Vacation as a Couple

Going on vacation with your significant other can either make or break the relationship. According to recent studies, half of all couples break up directly after their first vacation together. Yikes!


If you don’t want to fall victim to being one of these unfortunate statistics, don’t worry. We at The Journiest have got your back. So, if you wish to avoid encountering trouble in paradise and instead prefer “paradise,” look no further.


Here are 7 *necessary* tips for couples going on their first trip together. Fortunately, these tips can totally strengthen your relationship rather than tear it all apart.

Plan Ahead



One of the best ways to avoid butting heads with your S.O. during your travels is to plan things out before you board the plane. A fundamental problem while vacationing with your partner is having totally different expectations about how you want your trip to go.


In most relationships, there’s usually one person who is more of an extroverted adventure seeker while the other is a comfort-seeking homebody. If this sounds like you and your partner, it’s critical that you discuss how much time you want to spend exploring, going out on the town, and how much time you want to spend cuddled up in the hotel.


The key here is a solid mixture of balance and compromise.

Be Willing to Sacrifice Some Activities



One of the best ways you can ensure a magical vacation with your partner where everyone leaves feeling happier than ever is to be willing to make some sacrifices along the way.


So even if the idea of going White Water Rafting sounds like a total snoozefest to you, but your partner seems super stoked about it, why not make this one teeny sacrifice for them?


I’ll never forget the time when my former boyfriend insisted we go jet skiing while we were on vacation. I was outstandingly sleep-deprived at the time. And as an introvert, I was desperately yearning for some alone time so I could recharge. But he was so adamant that we go jet skiing, I finally (begrudgingly) gave in.


And guess what happened? I ended up having the best night of my life. The sun was setting as we tore through the glistening ocean, and I knew right then and there that sometimes you have to just bite the bullet, and make that sacrifice.


After all, isn’t sacrifice one of the hallmarks of a lasting relationship?

Schedule Time Away from Your S.O.



Distance truly does make the heart grow fonder. As much as you might want to cling to your partner the whole time — like a koala to a tree — it’s essential that you reserve some time on your trip away from each other.


This is arguably the most important tip on the list, folks. I once had an ex personally tell me that the reason we didn’t work out was because of the friction caused by being in close quarters for so long, while on our first trip. Ouch!


So take it from me, firsthand, when I say spending all your waking hours together is a recipe for disaster. I don’t care how much y’all love each other, you still need to take at least two hours to recharge independently. (You’ll thank me for it, later.)

Phones Away, Please!

Did you know one of the main relationship-killers in modern society is too much phone use? Nowadays, instead of our partners reaching for us first thing in the morning, they reach for their phones. As a result, more and more couples are feeling isolated from one another due to the love affair we all have with our mobile devices.


Although it’s unrealistic to spend the entire trip without your gadgets, try to limit the use of technology as much as possible. For instance, whenever I’m at dinner with friends or family, we play by this rule where we all put our phones away. Whoever checks their phone first pays for our whole meal.


So whenever you can, try to reserve time to really connect with your special person, without any technological distractions. It will be well worth it.

Lower Your Expectations


This may sound cynical, but I promise, it’s not. When it comes to any highly-anticipated event, it’s essential that you don’t let your fantasy expectations interfere with reality.


As a self-diagnosed starry-eyed idealist, this sort of thing is constantly happening to me. My dreamy expectations often pop like a bubble once reality sets in. (We’ve all been there!) That’s why it’s really important to enter exciting situations or highly anticipated events with a healthy dose of realism.


Lowering your expectations works as a solid mechanism to ensure you have a great time. If you go into your trip expecting the whole world, you might stomp your foot when you don’t get your way.


Yet if you un-board the plane with the knowledge that you and your partner are both imperfect humans, who are each trying your best, you’re likely to have a much better time. And a much stronger relationship!

Plan Out Your Budget in Advance



When it comes to any relationship, it’s important to discuss finances. Who is gonna pay for what? This question is equally important regardless of whether you’re in a same-sex relationship or have a male-female dynamic.


It’s necessary at some point to sit down and have a solid discussion over payment plans. Interestingly enough, even in 2024, it seems like couples are more divided than ever about who pays for what, and the values behind these ideologies.


One of the things you don’t want to happen is resenting each other for the way the finances are going. To smooth over any tension, communication is key.

Ask Your Partner What They Hope For From The Trip


If you’re feeling anxious about ensuring your partner has the most magical vacation with you, just sit them down and ask and clear up any misconceptions. Before your trip, ask them how you can make this vacation the most loving experience possible so that they feel seen and heard.


In today’s day and age, with all the silly mind games unfortunately being in vogue, we sometimes forget that the key to a successful relationship is simply keeping the lines of communication as open and honest as possible.


You can unlock so many issues with your partner simply by sitting them down and asking how you can make things better. If you do this, your partner will truly think they have a keeper. Because you are a keeper!


So, avoid the mind games and directly ask your partner what they want and need, you’ll generate a much more loving relationship dynamic that will only bring you two closer.