What My Week Looked Like Before And After Chefs Plate

What My Week Looked Like Before And After Chefs Plate

Editor’s Note: I’ve never been good in the kitchen, but living off takeout doesn’t help me in terms of my spending. I have been on a mission to cook more food at home, but finding new recipes and ingredients has been a huge task. I decided to sign up for Chefs Plate and see what happened.

What My Eating Habits Looked Like Before Chefs Plate

Before I found Chefs Plate, I was the unhealthiest eater out there! I know that’s a bold statement, but what else could I call myself when dinner was either oven pizza or takeout.

I also used to snack so much on chocolates, chips, popcorn, nuts, or anything else I would find lying around.

On the rare occasion that I would cook, I would roam the grocery store aisles looking for the right ingredients and sauces. Then, the recipe would always take way longer than it suggested.

It wasn’t only the fact that I was spending approximately $20-25 on takeaway almost every two nights, which would work out to roughly $67.50 a week. My body just couldn’t take that type of food anymore.

The more I looked into meal kits, like Chefs Plate, the more curious and surprised I was. Since their subscription is flexible, I thought that I should give it a try.

What My Eating Habits Looked Like After Chefs Plate

Chefs Plate has 3 different plans, Meat & Veg, Family Friendly, or Vegetarian. I could also customize my plan for 2 or 4 people and for 2, 3 or 4 meals a week. I picked the Meat & Veg plan for 2 (I could always save the leftovers for lunch) 3 times a week.

Chefs Plate has new recipes every week so I am never bored and always have new recipes from all over the world to try. All the ingredients in my Chefs Plate box come pre-portioned and individually packaged according to each recipe.

I tried the Thai-Style Red Curry with Chicken and sticky rice, the Pesto Beef Burgers with roasted tomato and potato wedges, and Sweet Chili Pork Chops with edamame rice. I can honestly say that I loved every meal! The food was so fresh and all the sauces were so flavorful.

With such easy recipe cards, the act of cooking de-stressed me after working all day. Plus, I loved that I didn’t have cupboards full of ingredients I would never use again. All Chefs Plate ingredients feature farm-fresh and local produce sourced directly from local farms, making them actually good quality and wholesome.

Once I started cooking more at home, I noticed I had so much more energy throughout the day. My wallet felt better, too.

I have to say that cooking with Chefs Plate has saved me time, money and it keeps me eating balanced.

The Takeaway

Chefs Platehas made my eating habits and overall routine so much better. I feel like I’m learning new skills and creating different flavors on my own. With their wide range of recipes, I am also spoiled for choice and not ordering my standard takeout meals.

I still get takeout once a week but now it’s so much more special

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