7 Best Vacation Destinations in March (in Countries Free of the Coronavirus)

7 Best Vacation Destinations in March (in Countries Free of the Coronavirus)

The next Spring Equinox will be March 19, which means we’re winding down the last dreary days of winter. But first we have to get through the Ides of March, and while we’re probably not going to be assassinated by our closest friend like Julius Ceasar, it’s always been a particularly troublesome time of year. In many parts of the world, the weather changes at a whim, which means you never know how to dress, which means you’re probably uncomfortable 93% of your day and spend the other 7% looking through junky weather apps trying to figure out if today is a sweater day or a t-shirt and a light jacket day or if you should just go back to bed.

If you do manage to leave your house, then congratulations! As a reward for your bravery, the whole world is open before you–that is, those countries which aren’t currently affected by the coronavirus outbreak. These are just some of the most beautiful travel destinations for March (excluding all the international travel warnings about the coronavirus, because: global epidemic).


<p>March is the best time to visit Barbados before summer, as the month brings the last days before the temperatures rise too much for comfort, but the sunshine still lasts for 9 hours. </p><p>Barbados was also one of the first Caribbean countries to prepare itself against the coronavirus, acquiring test kits and preparing officials to guard against the disease.</p>