Think You Don’t Need Organic Tampons? Sustain Will Make You Think Again
When a friend recently mentioned that she’d started subscribing to a period kit from Sustain Natural, a sexual health and wellness brand, I was initially skeptical. I try to be conscious of what I put in my body without completely blowing my budget, which is why I only buy organic when I think it really matters most. Does it really matter whether or not my tampons are organic? Well, yes. A quick Google search revealed that what’s actually in an average tampon is crap like artificial fragrances, synthetic ingredients and even a chemical film to hold the tampon together. I was shocked! I had never really considered the connection between the types of products I was using and my vaginal health, but once I realized what’s in most tampons, I was willing to see what Sustain Natural was all about.
Sustain believes women deserve better, which is why their period and sex products are all organic, free-trade, and don’t contain any dyes, chemicals, or synthetic materials…that have no business being in a woman’s vagina anyway. Since my friend raved about the period kit, I decided to start there. The period kit is completely customizable and includes all the stuff you need to get through your typical cycle. To put together your personalized kit, you begin by answering a few questions, like how long your period lasts and what kinds of products you prefer. Usually, when I get my period I run to the drugstore in a panic or discreetly email the entire female staff at work, so this was a major upgrade.
So, what’s the verdict on going organic? Totally worth it. I wasn’t sure what to expect from organic tampons and liners, but Sustain’s 100% cotton products were super high-quality, absorbent, and surprisingly really comfortable. I’ve since tried some of their other products too, including organic condoms and lube, and have been really impressed with the feel (and I’m super picky!). I love that I can make that choice without having to sacrifice convenience or sexual pleasure.
I was definitely hesitant about the price point, because I’ve always bought the cheapest tampons and pads I could find. But after trying Sustain, I realized there’s true value in these products. Not only is ordering a period kit online super convenient, I know that I’m using products that are better for my body and it’s good to know that I’m supporting Sustain’s mission to give back to women’s healthcare organizations. Think it doesn’t pay to get organic women’s products? Think again. Your body will thank you.
Our friends at Sustain Natural are extending a special offer to our readers: Follow This Link To Get 50% Off Your Order With Code: Tasty