Why Everyone Should Visit Lake Placid in the Summer

Why Everyone Should Visit Lake Placid in the Summer

Lake Placid may be underwhelming to Great Lake fans, but what this New York State lake lacks in size it makes up for in a quaint smalltown ambiance, vast hiking trails, and relaxing, stunning views. After vacationing here for years, I know that traveling and spending a week in the same small place every summer with your family can drive people insane. Similarly, coming up with new things to do when the weather turns colder and you’ve seen every movie at the local theatre can be frustrating. But here, there’s always something to explore and a perfect way to relax.

Do Just about Anything at Mirror Lake

Kayak, paddle board, swim, eat, drink, sit, read, or whatever your heart desires at Mirror Lake! When it’s warm enough, I love to swim in the lake and read a book afterward in the pavilion. You can hear ducks quacking while lounging in an Adirondack chair in the actual Adirondacks! Depending on the schedule, late at night you can also catch a movie or live music on the pavilion’s stage.

Enjoy a Movie at the Palace Theatre

The Palace Theatre has nearly closed on multiple occasions, but this standing local movie theater is a blast from the past. With small screens, low ticket prices, and only four movies shown at a time, you’ll be transported to simpler times.

Hike Mount Jo

Just last week, I hiked Mount Jo in the rain and still didn’t regret it. Ideal for less experienced hikers, Mount Jo will offer sweeping views with a little bit of a challenge. It’ll push you, but won’t drain you.

“Climb” Whiteface Mountain

Frankly, my family never actually climbed Whiteface Mountain (we’d take a car up to the parking lot). From there, you can climb the stairs to reach the summit or take an elevator. No matter how you reach the top, the views speak for themselves, honestly.

Visit High Falls Gorge

The 30-minute trail is a spectacular pit stop on the way in or out of Lake Placid. Witness four majestic waterfalls, mine for gemstones, hike the trails, and learn all about the wilderness. It’s perfect for kids and adults, alike!

Bobsled at the Olympic Center

If you didn’t already know, Lake Placid hosted the Winter Olympics in 1980. There’s a museum and ski jump you can tour, but the Lake Placid Bobsled Experience is like no other. Bobsled competitors train on the track, and for a hefty fee, you can participate too! Zooming down at over 70 miles per hour, you and a couple of friends can hop in a bobsled to race down the same track as the pros.

Go Whitewater Rafting

Thrill-seekers beware, Lake Placid will leave you overwhelmed with options. The Adirondack Rafting Company will leave you in good hands as you make your way down the river with friends, family, or friendly strangers. It’s a fun ride!

Zip Line Through Trees

The Adirondack region doesn’t offer the most daring zip-lining experience in the world, so it’s something wild and fun to do that isn’t terrifying!

Cliff Jump

If you do want to be terrified, then you’ll be awash in opportunities to cliff jump off high rocks into cool, crisp water. The cleansing shock will soothe your electrified bones after you finally make the jump.

Make a Necklace at Just Bead It!

I may have done this when I was 12, but it was still one of my most cherished memories and possessions from the great town. Now, Just Bead It! has moved directly to Main Street. Paired with lake views, it’ll be a relaxing and creative experience!

Eat a Crepe at Big Mountain Deli & Crêperie

The food isn’t known as the draw of Lake Placid, but Big Mountain Deli & Crêperie always has a line during tourist season. In my personal opinion, their s’mores crepe is to die for and should be consumed at every opportunity. Their sandwiches are solid, too!