Why Your Next Vacation Should Be a Road Trip

Why Your Next Vacation Should Be a Road Trip
As the summer approaches, you’re probably starting to wonder, “Where can I go on vacation this year, anyway?”

It’s a valid question. While the United States is gradually lifting restrictions, it can still be a headache to figure out where you can travel and what precautions you must take while doing so. Instead of flying to a destination, how about taking a road trip? There are so many good reasons to do so. If you’re looking to persuade someone to join you on a road trip, here are some arguments you can make.

The Freedom of Flexibility

Have you ever scheduled a trip so rigidly that you had no room for flexibility? Or have you ever had that moment on a long flight when you just wish you could stop, get out for a few minutes, and stretch your legs? Taking a road trip can give your vacation a whole new level of flexibility and freedom.

If you feel like stopping, you stop. If you discover a destination that looks interesting along the way, you can take an unplanned detour. And, because you’re driving your car, you’ll never need to worry about making your flight on time! Having that kind of flexibility can be liberating, especially if you have yet to experience the fun of a road trip.

Pack Whatever You Want

Another perk of taking a road trip is that you can pack whatever you want—so long as it fits in your car. When you’re restricted to just a carry-on suitcase or a single, 50 lb. checked bag, you’ll usually be limited to packing just the necessities, especially if you’re packing for multiple travelers. This isn’t an issue on a road trip—you can pack both what you need and any extra things you want to bring along. You can even bring along larger items, such as bikes, on the back or roof of your car. Just be sure to pack the necessities such as an emergency kit or entertainment for the drive.

No Dealing With the Hassle of Flying

While some people enjoy flying, most people don’t enjoy dealing with the hassle of the airport. There’s always some problem—either your baggage is overweight, there are long security lines, your flight is delayed, or you need to sprint through busy corridors just to make your flight. You can avoid all these annoyances by driving your car instead! If you’re taking a trip with your family, driving will also save you the extra money you would’ve spent on airfare.

You Get To Experience the Journey

One of the top reasons to take a road trip as your next vacation is that it allows you to experience and value the journey and not just the destination. When you take a road trip, your vacation transforms from a simple trip to an adventure from start to finish. On a road trip, you won’t just be concerned about making it to your destination as quickly as possible. Rather, you’ll learn to relax and enjoy the act of traveling, taking stops, and making new discoveries and memories along the way.